Security & Compliance
Comes First

Security and compliance are the driving force behind our technology and everything we do at Retina Labs.

Data Security & Privacy

Security is more than a box to check for us. It’s a foundational component to everything we do. Keeping your data safe and secure is our top priority at all times. We are proud to have earned the trust of our many of our health plan customers. The country’s largest health plans and provider groups choose Retina Labs because of our rigorous security standards.

Secure Application Hosting

We ensure the highest standards in hosting and network encryption, patch management, physical security, and network security.

Business Continuity

Our targeted uptime is 99.9% excluding maintenance. Our hosting environment if backed by redundancy fail-over and daily backups.

3rd Party Assessments

We enlist independent security firms to conduct annual third-party penetration tests to assess our site for vulnerabilities.

While we’re a HIPAA covered entity in delivering our program to our customers, we’re also the business associate of our customers—using data that you provide to carry out our preventive health screening services. Our customers retain ownership of all data shared with us, and we’ll protect it in accordance with our customer agreement and BAA. We make absolutely certain that we safeguard your patient/member protected health information (PHI) according to the requirements of HIPAA and industry best practices.

Compliance Program

Retina Labs is committed to doing business with the highest ethical standards. We value principles such as honesty and respect, compliance with laws and regulations, focus on quality and integrity, personal responsibility for actions and a responsibility for reporting violations.

Our Compliance Program is based on the Office of Inspector General’s 7 elements of an effective compliance program and includes the following:

Written policies, procedures and standards of conduct
Training and education
Enforcement of standards through well-publicized disciplinary guidelines
Effective lines of communication
Internal monitoring and auditing
Prompt response to detect offenses and undertaking corrective action

Anonymous Reporting

We have an anonymous, non-retributive reporting policy at Retina Labs for anyone that works for us, with us or patients we encounter. Our Compliance Program is structured to maintain open lines of communication, encouraging individuals with compliance or ethical concerns to report those concerns as soon as possible using our anonymous reporting tools. The Retina Labs Compliance Hotline is a system that is managed by an outside company and is available for reporting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year:

English: (833) 591-6040
Spanish: (866) 214-0724
Fax: 215-689-3885